Essential Oils to Heal Burns

In May of 2021, I burned my arm horribly from the hot oven. I was so grateful to have DoTerra Lavender Oil and DoTerra Correct X on hand. I knew applying straight lavender oil immediately (no rinsing with water!) would stop the heat from continuing to burn the skin and cause less blistering. Then I applied Correct X daily to help the burn heal faster. The results from the day of the burn and 4 days later are amazing! 

burn the day it happened
Burn just after it happened- OUCH
arm 4 days after burn
Burn just 4 days later- amazing healing!

After the first few days, I started using Yarrow Pom Body serum to help the burn heal faster. You can see how well the burn healed after 1 month and then 4 months. At 4 months there was still minor scarring and discoloration. 

arm 1 month after burn
One month after the burn there is still a bit of scarring and pigmentation
arm 4 months after burning on stove
4 months after the burn- completely healed with only minor scarring and pigmentation

As time went on, I added Frankincense, Cedar Wood, Rosemary, Geranium, and Clementine oils to help with scarring and pigmentation and at the one-year mark, there is no scarring or pigmentation difference at all! 

arm 1 year after burn
One year after the burn- no scarring at all!
arm one year after the burn
One year later- you can't even tell there was ever a burn!

I love showing clients the amazing ways that essential oils and other products we use at the spa can help heal skin conditions more quickly and more thoroughly than many other over-the-counter treatments. If you ever have questions about how to use essential oils, please let me know, as I love helping people understand how they work and sharing my knowledge of essential oils.

These are a few of the products I used to help heal my severe burn quickly and thoroughly. You can purchase any of these products from our online store or by coming by the spa.